A Life Story of Ora—Short Film

If I had to sum myself up in one word, it would be 'versatile.'

I've worn many hats – from project manager to entrepreneur, content creator to online tutor, graduate student to brand strategist! Quite the mix, right?

But it's not just about the titles. During my four undergraduate years, I delved myself in intercultural studies and dabbled in six languages, though I won't claim mastery in any!

Traveling and exploring new places is where I find my greatest joy. I love immersing myself in different cultures, whether it's through trying out local cuisine, wandering in foreign streets, or when I'm not out and about, You'll probably find me chilling with subtitles while watching movies or vibing to music from all over the world.

My knack for viewing things through diverse cultural perspectives isn't just for fun—it's how I approach everything, including my work. Drawing upon this broad perspective, I develop creative, innovative, and culturally sensitive solutions that resonate with diverse audiences.

Life's too short to think in just one way, isn't it?

And I'm here to shake things up and make a difference!

HI - I’m Ora!