Ninus & Co. is a company that my team at VCU Brandcenter launched to support underprivileged women. Our first initiative, “The Pink Bags,” started in August 2022, where we packed bags with feminine care products and raised nearly $1000 through donations. We partnered with Shood and Richmond Public Schools to distribute these bags at a community event. We also secured a press interview to raise awareness about our mission and the pink tax issue, sharing the article on social media to amplify our message.

Brand Guidelines

Mission statement

We believe in the power of gender equality. By celebrating and empowering womankind, Ninus aims to provide women access to basic feminine hygiene products.

All people deserve the right to basic necessities. In spite of the pink tax, we aim to make feminine hygiene products more easily accessible for all women.


Donation flyer

Donation box

Donation video

Bag production

Bag Distribution

Press release

The team

Athena Michaels Art director

Kyle Rayo Copywriter

Bella Piasentin Strategist

My role

Market research

Creative management

Event coordination

Creative concepting